To: Professor Hewens Denoff, Chief Zoologist, Consortium Center for Biopreservation
From: Edmund Wilcox, Security Manager, Command Center
Date: January 15, 2736
Subject: P. Macropus Pygaeus
This memo is to update you on the ongoing difficulties of housing the P. Macropus Pygaeus within the Zoo enclosure.
Housing continues to be problematic as these “Orangaroos” (as the staff refer to them) are quite clever and have defeated most of the simple enclosures, resulting in the replacement of our locks three times now.
In addition, their ability to hop thirty feet in length and ten feet in height makes catching the escapees extraordinarily difficult. While not normally aggressive, they will fight to avoid being recaptured and are extremely dangerous when cornered.
I would like to request an emergency allocation of tranquillizer darts at the prescribed amount normally used to subdue a hippo as the Orangaroos seem to be developing a tolerance to the lower dose.
I am also submitting a requisition for a level three overhaul for the enclosure. It would be far easier to delete them from reintroduction, but Dr. Zimmerman assures me they are necessary to balance the environment.
If we plan to house them for the duration of purification, we need additional staff to patrol the perimeter of the enclosure to ensure the Orangaroos do not create new escape routes.
I look forward to discussing this matter with you at tomorrow’s meeting.
Yours in safe containment,
Edmund Wilcox
Security Manager, Command Center
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