By Aaronn Alann Armstrong
Last week’s unanimous vote by the Consortium’s City Planner Commission breaks ground on a boondoggle worthy of 19th century robber barons. Remember how much they cared about the little people they trampled in their quests for riches?
Prepare for a reprise on Blanken 9 when Pankraz Teufel’s “New Frontier” launches Phase 2.
Master Planner Sergei Krakov laid out his scheme for erecting Utopia on the western edge of the continent and his confederates on the commission lapped it up like fine wine.
This sprawling community reeks of grandiose ideas and tenuous restraint on the government contracts bankrolling the build. Don’t believe me? Consider the experts.
EarthForce Urban Planners and Architects have pointed to flaws in the city's design, layout, and infrastructure, casting doubts on the long-term sustainability of the place. It is a black hole with a never-ending one-way stream of goods borrowed from Earth.
Renowned economists at Farkel University are highly skeptical about the project's financial viability and predict cost overruns. The Consortium’s “purification” process doubled in price a week after ignition and is taking longer than estimated, costing more each day.
There are concerns the “business magnets” will create economic inequalities and favor affluent residents.
After the debacles at the Space Center, regulatory authorities question compliance with codes and regulations. EGA rushed through necessary permits and approvals with minimal assessment. What was overlooked in the process?
Destruction of natural habitats is happening now—wildlife displacement and ecological degradation. The “distillation waves” swiped the territory, eradicating countless creatures and vegetation that hadn’t yet been catalogued.
Now the Consortium intends to pave over their blunders.
Labor unions fear for the safety of construction workers laboring in hazardous conditions. Fair wages and employees’ rights have always been an afterthought with the Consortium. The majority of workers’ compensation claims have ended with NDA agreements, silencing victims from telling their truth.
It takes two years to travel to Blanken 9. Do we really expect that after Earth has funded these idyllic municipalities the Consortium will deliver them to Earth Government Alliance to manage? We can’t seize them if they withhold ownership. We can’t conduct a war that requires two years to reach the battlefield.
Can you imagine the expense of sending 100,000 troops on a two-year journey to a planet that already has more shock troops than we do in the form of cyborgs? What if the Consortium decides to use these troops to attack us? Can we withstand 50,000 cyborgs with unique augmentations programmed to kill?
The Consortium’s space fleet was built with Earth money for Consortium transportation. Earth’s space fleet was built with Consortium technology. The Consortium will be in a perfect position to subjugate Earth if they so choose.
Earth Government Alliance approved funding for Phase 2 of the “New Frontier” at its last session.
Is this the best allocation of valuable resources? Materials transported to Blanken 9 are not reciprocated with commensurate materials transported to Earth. The miracle compound “bellingerine” shipped here goes to the Consortium Medical Center, not the general public. Consortium surgeons use the metal for one purpose: making humans into cyborgs to create a stronger workforce to serve the Consortium.
Is this the future you want for your children?
Make your position known. Write your representatives. Attend your local government town halls. Tell your legislators you want the millions spent on this vanity debacle reallocated to make life better on Earth.
It’s the human thing to do.
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