Rio Cyborg is set in the distant future when humankind has found a suitable planet in a nearby galaxy to colonize. These are origins of our sci-fi/western story.
Year 2730 - Discovery
The Consortium, a pioneer in space exploration and scientific innovation, is coordinating the greatest migration in human history, and we want you to come along on the adventure.
In the coming years we will terraform Blanken 9 into a haven for settlers who possess the spirit and ambition to forge a new life on a new planet.
Our initial objective is to transform hostile environments into lush, livable landscapes for colonists. This decades-long process requires citizens with a wide range of expertise and abilities.
We invite you to become a member of this unique workforce.
We are assembling proficient landscaping teams and seeking individuals with skills and talents in all industries to lead the way in creating the New Earth.
Only the best candidates will be chosen for this unprecedented initiative.
Applicants will be assessed for physical, mental, psychological, and tactical proficiencies. Successful candidates will receive augmentations perfected over the past seventy years by our research engineers and skilled surgeons.
Biomechatronic innovation achieved a breakthrough with the groundbreaking use of bellingerine, a rare compound discovered on Blanken 9. With this revolutionary substance, biological amalgamation of nanotechnology and human anatomy is seamless and virtually pain-free.
With The Consortium’s exclusive Brain-Computer Interfaces and osseointegrated Smart Prosthetics, your capabilities will exceed human limits.
Cyborg modifications transcend the ordinary. Unlock new strengths and unleash your full potential.
Experience heightened capabilities, improved vigor, and total unification with technology that will make you more than human.
Our bionic enhancements aren’t merely upgrades—they’re the key to survival and success in the extraterrestrial frontier.
Earth Government Alliance has extended the Treaties National to Blanken 9 territory under the auspices of this monumental venture. Every job is guaranteed income for those who qualify.
Become an integral part of our innovative workforce dedicated to the next giant leap for humankind.
The off-world employment contract extends to 20 years during which you work with a like-minded crew of landscapists, earn favorable wages, enjoy full medical coverage, and retire with a government-insured pension on a world you helped build.
Are you ready to redefine what it means to be human? Join us. Your future awaits.
The Consortium. Your welfare is our business.
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