Memo to Security Manager

To: Edmund Wilcox, Security Manager, Command Center
From: Bill Sefton, Security Squad 34
Date: January 20, 2736
Subject: P. Macropus Pygaeus (Orangaroos)
Last evening as Officers Manfredi and Johnson were patrolling the perimeter of the Orangaroo enclosure, they discovered a new escape route through the concrete and wire barrier. Evidence suggests the Orangaroos hacked through the fencing with some type of metal rod.
The rampage path led to the outer brick wall barrier surrounding the enclosure. Evidence suggests the animals leaped the wall and escaped into the Zoo proper.
The bad news is the animals have not been found on the premises. The good news is the new high-security puck lock on the gate remains intact and does not require replacement.
Officers Hoffy and Shapiro have been issued tranquillizer darts for use when the animals are located.
Any news on the level three overhaul for the enclosure? Additional staff is not sufficient.
Yours in safe containment,
Bill Sefton
Security Squad 34
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