Happy National Lollipop Day!

Happy National Lollipop Day!
The indispensable time traveler's snack.

July 20 is National Lollipop Day.

In prehistoric times, cavemen collected honey from beehives using a stick, thus creating the first lollipop.  Ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Arabs glazed fruit and nuts with honey and inserted sticks into the confection for eating.  In the 17th century Europeans boiled sugar candy and inserted sticks to eat them.

George Smith, owner of Bradley Smith Company, is credited with creating the modern lollipop in 1908, and he trademarked the word “lollipop” in 1931.  In the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, The Lollipop Guild welcomed Dorothy to the Land of Oz with a giant spiral sucker.

For the average time traveler, a lollipop is the best time neutral dessert that you can take anywhere in time or space.

And, frankly, desserts and candies kinda sucked before the 20th century.

Which flavor is your favorite?