Date:  January 26, 2736

Time:  9:00 AM

Location:  Command Center Conference Room


Sergei Krakov, Master Planner

Random King, Director, City Engineering

Jane Durham, Assistant City Engineer

Mathias Pupkin, Urban Development Consultant

Emile Dahmal, Transportation Engineer

Edmund Wilcox, Security Manager

Professor Hewens Denoff, Chief Zoologist

Dr. Ravenal Bridges, Chief Environmental Biologist

Dr. Avril Redhawk, Environmental Biologist

C. L. Baker, Recording Secretary

Members of the public

1. Call to Order – meeting called to order at 9:05 am

- Roll Call – quorum present

- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – approved unanimously

2. New Vista Project Discussion

- Overview of New Vista Project

- Eco-Friendly Design

- High-Density Urban Area

- Mixed-Use Development

Random King provided an overview of the New Vista project, a model city to be built along the Western coast of the Major Continent.  The project will establish an innovative community that leverages the natural beauty of the coastline with economic opportunity.

Sergei Krakov, Master Planner, noted advantages of the endeavor:

- Emphasizes sustainability and environmental preservation.

- Utilizes renewable energy sources (solar and wind power).

- Includes green spaces and community gardens.

- Maximizes land use efficiency.

- Provides diverse amenities.

- Accommodates the growing population

Emile Dahmal, Transportation Engineer, provided overview of transport systems:

- Promotes eco-friendly transportation options (biking, horseback riding, walking).

- Facilitates shipping of goods and supplies to Teufel Island (harbor and docks).

- Enables shipping of cargo to other coastal cities (once founded).

- Establishes railroad hub for transport of freight to the Interior (when developed).

Mathias Pupkin, Urban Development Consultant, discussed business applications:

- Attracts tech companies and startups.

- Provides state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity.

- Creates job opportunities and boosts the local economy.

- Encourages innovation and technological advancements.

Jane Durham, Assistant City Engineer, outlined tourism benefits:

- Invites tourists and generates revenue through tourism-related activities.

- Includes hotels, resorts, and recreational amenities.

- Enhances the city’s cultural and entertainment offerings.

Members of the public were invited to share their thoughts about the project. Citizens raised the following concerns:

- Intensified traffic congestion and accidents.

- Pollution and excess waste products.

- Seasonal fluctuations in tourism impacting the local economy.

- Environmental degradation from uncontrolled tourist activity.

- Loss of natural habitat.

- Potential for uneven development.

- Risks to workforce from accelerated timeline.

- Resistance from residents who prefer the original city plan.

- Socioeconomic disparities between cyborgs and humans.

Robust dialogue ensued.  King concluded the discussion by thanking everyone for their participation.

3. Final Decision on New Vista Project

- Deliberation and Voting – motion to proceed approved unanimously

The commission will review public feedback and move forward with the New Vista project.

- Announcement of Decision

The resolution will be published in the Consortium Gazette and in Earth-based publications.

4. Next Meeting

Items for the next meeting include:

- Infrastructure and Transportation

- Community Engagement Plan

- Risk Management

The commission will determine a timeline for key milestones in the construction of New Vista.

5. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned 12:30 pm.

Submitted for commission approval,

C. L. Baker, Recording Secretary

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