CHAPTER 10 - A February 16th Space Lunch

CHAPTER 10 - A February 16th Space Lunch
“So we got pulled here to watch the Sun die?”

Chantell studied Freddie up and down with a critical eye.  “Girl, where have you been?  Word was we lost you.”

“I was lost and now I am found.  Let me introduce you to Dan.”

Dan was busy eating a turkey on sourdough, or at least that’s what he told himself it was.

“Dan, this is Chantell—and everybody else.”

Everybody else laughed.  In this group there truly was Chantell and everybody else.  Chantell was a jumper who had managed to make obscene amounts of money while doing more good than harm.  Knowing that more Earth jumpers were attracted to this spot and time than any other, she bought this place and several others as a refuge for them.

Club 6.4 was a place where a jumper could eat, drink, and socialize with other jumpers, an otherwise rare opportunity, all at no cost—unless you wanted the upgrade.  Chantell merely wanted their company.  And they wanted hers.

“Freddie, you have got to tell me what happened to you.”

“I got stuck in Shakespearian London.”

“Haven’t we all.”

“For 27 years.”
